ERR: “Sculpture dedicated to famous stray dog unveiled in Tallinn” A sculpture dedicated to a stray dog and all other street animals was unveiled in front of the Arsenal Center in Tallinn on Sunday, which was also World Animal Day. Veebisaidi haldur2021-02-17T10:49:44+02:0006.10.2020|Comments Off on ERR: “Sculpture dedicated to famous stray dog unveiled in Tallinn” Jaga infot! FacebookXLinkedInVkEmail Related Posts ERR: “Dogs liberated from Ida-Viru County puppy farm soon to get new homes” ERR: “Dogs liberated from Ida-Viru County puppy farm soon to get new homes” ERR: “Spring birth boom increases number of poorly cared for puppies” ERR: “Spring birth boom increases number of poorly cared for puppies” Washington Post: “Estonians erect statue and give home to beloved stray dog” Washington Post: “Estonians erect statue and give home to beloved stray dog” ERR: “Gallery: Sculpture dedicated to famous stray dog unveiled in Tallinn” ERR: “Gallery: Sculpture dedicated to famous stray dog unveiled in Tallinn” ERR: “Fox cub-slaying municipal official reneges on own resignation” ERR: “Fox cub-slaying municipal official reneges on own resignation”