
23 09, 2018

“Miracle rescues – Silja from Sillamäe”

2019-01-01T21:24:50+02:0023.09.2018|Comments Off on “Miracle rescues – Silja from Sillamäe”

A moment back, I received a nice letter from Pille Toome: “Today is 23 September. Exactly two years ago, our lives changed, because you brought to us Silja – the prettiest and dearest cat in the world. She sends us to bed every night and greets us happily in the morning. Yesterday, my partner and [...]

13 09, 2018

“Luck favors little hedgehog hit by car!”

2019-01-01T16:41:23+02:0013.09.2018|Comments Off on “Luck favors little hedgehog hit by car!”

In the morning a letter came, informing us that the night before a hedgehog had been hit by a car in the small borough of Lagedi, Harju County. The writer was afraid the small animal wasn’t going to make it as there had been a lot of blood on the road. The brave creature survived [...]

6 09, 2018

“Help us pay medical bills!”

2019-10-20T11:34:10+03:0006.09.2018|Comments Off on “Help us pay medical bills!”

I will never forget! There’s nothing I can do: the baby goat in the town of Paide last year will never stop haunting me and probably is the animal that touched me the most during the past year. As we remember, the baby goat approached humans, stumbling, making wimpish noises, looking for its mother and [...]

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