Work is waiting for the doer! Lend a hand!
“Where a fault you can detect, come lend a helping hand to that effect!”
“Where a fault you can detect, come lend a helping hand to that effect!”, says an Estonian proverb.
Unhappy with how the Estonian state views animals or spotted a shortcoming in our work? Have ideas on how to better ensure wellbeing for animals and lessen mistreatment of animals? Want to implement a project which would lessen animal suffering and better their lives? Be sure to contact us and let’s make it happen together. The Animal Rescue Group has a score of ideas that would benefit greatly from assistance and support of animal lovers that will not shy away from volunteer work. “A courageous start is half the victory!“, goes another Estonian proverb; this serves as an appropriate reminder indeed to those that still linger in doubt and are unsure of where to start.

“SOS – A project for animals in distress ”
- We need volunteers that would be able to take operative action in response to complaints and leads and would travel on-site to inspect the state of the animals and the conditions they are kept in.
- We need foster homes where people would take care of mistreated animals until their treatment is completed and a new home is found for them.
- Lasnamäe Animal Protection Association, Saaremaa Animal Protection Association. Why not? We are convinced that a distressed animal is helped the quickest by locals that know the relevant conditions and people. Therefore, we advise and assist in any way possible in the establishment of new independent associations and groups that stand for animal wellbeing. Want to establish the Lääne-Viru County Animal Protection Association? Let us know and let’s do it together! It’s as simple as that!
“Home page and social media”
- We need web editors to manage our home page and Facebook page.
- We need translators that would search for and translate animal related educational and topical articles from around the world.
- Our home page will be available in four languages. We’ll be OK with the Estonian and English versions. We do, however, require the help of Finnish and Russian translators so that speakers of these two languages could stay up to date with our goings-on as well.

“Animal Web”
My desire to start making a series and a magazine reporting on the joys and sorrows of different animal species dates back to 2008. As it was, though, my work as a reporter, my family, and attending to animals in need consumed all of my time and the idea was left collecting dust on the “Ideas and Dreams Awaiting Realization” shelf.
“The Animals are Loose!” series
A few years ago I pulled myself together and did indeed finish my very first four episodes. There’s enough material to edit four more episodes as the summer long shoot produced quite a surplus of “crude material”. Yet, once again, I was buried under the needs of distressed animals and my animal stories never reached a wider audience. They probably never will as the stories are, by now, dated …
A series dedicated to animal health issues and providing advice and educational guidance to animal owners also lies in wait of being brought to life. Why not finally get these projects going!? This time around, bets would not be placed on TV but on the Internet, making us visible on computers and mobile phones. I don’t really feel like messing around with a mike and camera myself anymore but I am willing to lend a hand, heart and soul.
You don’t need to be a professional. I have been working in television for years and am there to provide any assistance and guidance until you’ll get a hang of it and are ready to proceed on your own. Naturally, qualities that you must already possess include a love of animals, eagerness for interpersonal communication, sincerity, no fear of public performance, a will to act, and a sense of mission. Proficiency in our beautiful native language, both in speech and writing, indeed only helps as well. We won’t get to this project before next year but do think about it and weigh it out – if you think you have what it takes to film, edit, and report, do contact me at

“Lessons for children”
I have always considered especially important the training of children and grade school students because the knowledge related to caring for animals and the love of animals itself must be instilled in us from very early on. In previous years we have conducted lectures or Pet Hours at grade schools in Northern and Southern Estonia where animals were also present on each occasion. These events have always been exceedingly popular and long awaited and our lecturers are top notch. Hopefully, we can keep similar projects going moving forward; if you like kids and animals and feel the call to influence the lives of young ones still starting out their journey, make yourself known at
“Russian project”
Estonia is home to many Russians that care deeply for animals. Regrettably, we know next to nothing about them or they about our initiatives. I have acted as an adviser in the establishment of a few Russian animal lovers’ associations but really have no clue whether they kept going or gave up. However, Eastern Viru County is a fully uncharted territory for us. Therefore, Russians need to be involved considerably more and this area needs a staff all of its own, dedicated to the specific purpose.

“Project writer”
Money has not disappeared from the face of the earth and is being handed out left and right. Unfortunately, to get a hold of the money, you have to complete a boatload of paperwork, thereat actually knowing how to do it. You may have an excellent idea, yet if you are not fluent in bureaucracy and the required officialese, you’ll end up with no money and no outlet for your ideas. Currently, we have no one that could do this job and we will heartily welcome a specialist with the relevant skills needed.
To accomplish all these and many other required things, you need money. Consequently, we desperately need in our team people to keep an eye on the calls for proposals of various projects and on donation environments. People that would have the ability to present the indispensable nature of our mission and the skills to convince company heads to support our operations. A Fundraiser’s tasks include arrangements for different campaigns and fundraisers to secure means for at least the most basic information campaigns. Many non-profit associations have opened their own online stores. This is also a goal of ours, yet once again, we are held back by lack of appropriate staff. Naturally, there are tens and tens more of profitable operations and opportunities.